Medjugorje Website Updates no mēnesis Decembris, 2005

2.Decembris.2005. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: news / Author: Marek Gayer
Site News We added Russian language, and we support most of the features in Messages section for the Russian language.
3.Decembris.2005. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Interviews
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Mirjana Kovac
Lidija Paris: You are born in Vukovar, and your father was born in Posusje. So many years after the war, it is noticeable that you still carry a deep inner pain remembering all that has happened. You came here with an envelope containing some photographs and some papers. This is all that remains of the first 40 years of your life…

Mirjana Kovač: I came to be in Medjugorje during these days that are still so painful for me. With faith in God, it is much easier for us to carry our cross. We unite our cross to the cross of Jesus, we offer everything to Him. Jesus allowed us this dignity. Thanks to my father and my mother who educated us in faith in God, and with the Rosary in the hand, during those days that are unimaginable for a human intelligence, we had the impression that we were somehow mysteriously supported. We were conscious that the worst could happen at any moment, but thanks to our faith in God, everything had another dimension. Death was closer to us then life…

4.Decembris.2005. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Testimonies, Interviews, Medjugorje in the Catholic Church
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Italiano
Interview Jose Domingo Ulloa Mendiata
Dragan Soldo: You went on pilgrimage to many other great Marian shrines. Can you say something about the specificity of Medjugorje?

Mons. José Domingo Ulloa: The specificity of Medjugorje is the gift of peace received here. This is what humanity is longing for today, and this gift is received in Medjugorje through our Mother Mary. It is not only about inner peace, but also about discovering that we are all brothers, and that conflicts and violence are not a solution. This peace should be shared with others.

25.Decembris.2005. /  Section: Dievmātes vēstījumi no Medjugorjes - Category: Monthly Messages
Dārgie bērni! Arī šodien nesu jums uz rokām Bērnu Jēzu Miera Karali, lai Viņš svētī jūs ar savu mieru. Bērniņi, šodien īpašā veidā aicinu, lai jūs būtu mani miera nesēji šai nemiera pilnajā pasaulē. Dievs jūs svētīs. Bērniņi, neaizmirstiet, ka esmu jūsu Māmiņa. Ar Bērniņu Jēzu uz rokām visus jūs svētīju ar īpašu svētību. Pateicos, ka atsaucāties manam aicinājumam.
25.Decembris.2005. /  Section: Dievmātes vēstījumi no Medjugorjes - Category: Jakov
Savā pēdējā ikdienas vēstījumā Jakovam 1998.gada 12.septembrī Dievmāte teica, ka turpmāk Jakovam dos vēstījumu katru gadu 25.decembrī, Kristus Dzimšanas svētkos. Tā bija arī šinī gadā. Vēstījums sākās 14.45 un ilga 7 minūtes.
Dārgie bērni! Šodien ar Jēzu uz rokām īpaši aicinu jūs uz atgriešanos. Bērni, caur visam šim laikam, ko Dievs ļāvis man būt kopā ar jums, esmu nepārtraukti aicinājusi jūs uz atgriešanos. Daudzu sirdis joprojām ir aizvērtas. Bērniņi, Jēzus ir miers, mīlestība un prieks, tāpēc izvēlieties Jēzu. Sāciet lūgties. Lūdziet, lai Jēzus dod jums atgriešanās dāvanu. Bērniņi, tikai vienotībā ar Jēzu jūs iemantosit mieru un prieku un mīlestības piepildītas sirdis. Bērniņi, es jūs mīlu. Es esmu jūsu Māte un dodu jums manu Mātes svētību.

Lai Dievs dzīvotu jūsu sirdīs, jums ir jāmīl.
