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Články a aktuality za rok 2016

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5. duben 2016 /  Kategorie: Modlitby

United in Prayer - Continuous Prayer of Holy Rosary

The prayer of rosary has great power to change the world, overcome evil and bring peace to us and our families. You may sign up on www.mir.com.hr

24. září 2016 /  Kategorie: Svědectví

By Emily A.

“Go to Confession. Unburden yourselves of all sin. In return, I will give you peace in your hearts.” – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje on the 28th February 1988.

I have just returned from my fourth pilgrimage to Medjugorje where I served for three months as a volunteer. It was during this time that I felt a very gentle and silent nudge within me that Our Lady wanted me to make a General Confession.