Web address of the page: https://www.medjugorje.ws/nl/updates/2012-11/ 
www.medjugorje.ws » Medjugorje Website Updates » november, 2012

Medjugorje Website Updates per maand november, 2012

4 november 2012 /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Caritas of Birmingham and "A Friend of Medjugorje" Terry Colafrancesco, Sterrett (AL), Alabama[EN]
Caritas Of Birmingham

We have received the following question from a visitor of Medjugorje WebSite:

"I have bought close to $40,000 in the silver miraculous medal silver rounds from Global Silver Investors. This is the company that Friend of Medjugorie speaks of in his weekly computer address with Frank Williams who is with the company. Do you know if this is a fraud? I have tried looking everywhere on the internet but unable to find any "fraud" so to speak. I am very concerned since this is my husband and my life savings. If you don't feel comfortable answering on the net, is there someone I can contact about this issue? Thank you, ... ..."

7 november 2012 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Apparitions, Wide screen
Apparition Mirjana November 2012
4 november 2012 , Last update 10 november 2012 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Messages, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Our Lady Of Medjugorje Message November 2 2012
  • Video - English - Message, November 2, 2012
  • Video - Italiano - Messaggio, 2 novembre 2012
  • Video - Español - Mensaje, 2 de noviembre de 2012
  • Video - Français - Message, 2. novembre 2012
  • Video - Română - Mesaj din 2 noiembrie 2012
  • Video - Norsk - Budskapet, 2.november 2012
10 november 2012 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Testimonies, Wide screen, Italian only
Sr Elvira Racconta Comunita Cenacolo
10 november 2012 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Charity, Wide screen
Video Marys Meals Child 31 Official Trailer

Who is CHILD 31? In a time of unprecedented technological achievements and luxuries, close to one billion people still go to sleep hungry; but there's an organisation attempting to change that. In this powerful new documentary film, Grassroots Films captures Mary's Meals' life-changing work in action throughout Malawi, Kenya and India, and its mission to help millions of children around the world realise their dreams. Follow Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow as we get a glimpse into his simple, yet ground-breaking, approach that is working to lift the developing world out of poverty and give a face to hunger's deadly numbers.

18 november 2012 /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Music with pictures, Wide screen
La Donna Vestita Di Sole Woman Clothed With Sun
25 november 2012 /  Section: Boodschappen van Medjugorje - Category: Maandelijks Boodschappen
Lieve kinderen, In deze tijd van genade roep ik jullie allen op, het gebed te hernieuwen. Stel je open voor de heilige Biecht opdat ieder van jullie mijn oproep van ganser harte aanvaardt. Ik ben met jullie en bescherm jullie tegen de afgrond van de zonde; en jullie moeten je open stellen voor de weg van bekering en heiligheid, zodat je hart uit liefde voor God brandt. Geef Hem tijd en Hij zal zich aan jullie geven, en zo zullen jullie in Gods Wil de liefde en de levensvreugde ontdekken. Dank dat jullie mijn oproep beantwoord hebben.